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ISID 2023
10-13 May 2023,
Tokyo – Japan

In Vitro Science

at Glance

In Vitro Science

at Glance

In Vitro Science

at Glance


ISID 2023

10-13 May 2023, Tokyo – Japan

ISID 2023

10-13 May 2023, Tokyo – Japan

VitroScreen has contributed with a Poster to the International Societies for Investigative Dermatology meeting:

An Advanced Micro Physiological System for Dermatological applications’

The work describes the application of genomics and proteomics analysis to characterize VitroScreen ORATM dermis spheroids in term of cell-matrix interaction, structure and metabolic activity.

The results support ORATM Dermis Systems as a new and advanced tool to gain new mechanistic insights into physiological processes where ECM is mainly involved (i.e. aging process, photoaging, disease’s pathogenesis and ECM fibrosis, communication with vascular compartment) and, in general, in dermatological research.